Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ubiquitous Computing Module V Assignment: SWOT analysis and rough timeframe for implementation

BYOD for Asio EduERP/School calendaring

  • All required technologies are here, just not correctly deployed/integrated
  • Easy to assemble a team experienced in development and interface design
  • Direct interest of the University in improving the existing system
  • Direct interest from users (students and staff) in integrating scheduling in their existing workflow

  • Not all stakeholders might see the use for the system (do not use computer based calendars etc)
  • Multiple platforms make for very widespread testing platform (many opportunities for incompatibility)
  • Might incur in unpredictable costs (large volumes of SMS messaging, for example)

  • Create a de-facto standard for academic calendaring
  • Synergies between service providers and universities can bring new partnerships
  • Steer universities away from closed-sourced implementations in the future

  • Asio is fully standards compliant, but closed-source, access to code might be impossible
  • Asio has own closed source alternative: Asio Edu App
  • Resistance to FOSS is still a reality in many Universities
  • No sponsorship, no project
  • Timeframe is very limited and inflexible - must work within the academic calendar

Rough Timeframe

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