Thursday, November 14, 2013

Getting around Tallinn University in a wheelchair: From Mare to Terra's Room T407

From the parking in front o Mare:

Not gonna use this ramp, sorry!
Sign says this way, but actually the bridge is on the second floor.

Elevator it is!

A-Ha! The bridge.
These doors are mighty heavy by the way.
Across to Silva/Astra
Up to the 4th Floor we go...
Silva, 4th Floor. Terra to the left.
Still to the left. Lots of wheeling around.
In the end of this corridor? No, still to the right.
4th Floor, doors to Terra to the right. Sweet!
Oh no. Stairs! Bummer...
No way. Dead end, right?

Bonus Round: I found a solution!

Go back to the 3rd Floor and back to Astra.

This little door with no sign whatsoever? Secret wheelchair elevator... Sweet!
Accessible buttons. Too bad this elevator is hidden!
Finally in Terra!

Ta-da! Took me a lot of time though :(

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