Friday, March 28, 2014

Analysing Eye-tracking Data - Sopo using iTunes

Unfortunately, from all the captures made by our team, only one did not go awry (the capture on the other two froze around 8 seconds into the video. The CSV files are there, but without capture, there's very little to make sense of them).

0:14 - Exercise starts

 - There is some hesitation as to how you create a playlist. User settles for right-clicking on the sidebar to the left and creating one from the drop-down context menu. Task takes 12 seconds total.

0:26 - Playlist created

 - Once settled with the right click context menu methodology, user clicks on the tab called Songs after scanning the sidebar for options and a quick glance at the tab list on top. She then proceeds to right click songs, scroll down the very long context menu and add songs to her playlist 

0:42 - Two files added to playlist

 - Then proceeds a long hesitation where the user scans the song list for a long while, seemingly unaware of the next task or unable to find how to go back to the playlist. This ends at 0:57, a full 15 seconds later, when user finds and clicks the Playlists tab. She quickly drags the top song to the bottom of the playlist, completing the task.

0:59 - Switched order of playlist

 - Again the user's eyes wander around the two axes of the application - the tab list and the sidebar - for indication on how to delete the playlist. She finally settles for the comfort of the right-click and deletes the playlist after 10 seconds.

1:09 - Playlist deleted 

The video seems to indicate a lack of controls for specific functions. After scanning the chrome, the user always settles for right clicking items and scanning through a (sometimes very long) list of actions until she finds the one she's looking for. These added steps and lack of affordance seem widespread in the app. 

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